Returns & Exchanges

If you wish to return an item for a refund or exchange all returns will be accepted within 14 calendar days of delivery.

You can send Hilda an email if you would like an exchange item put on hold.

When returning your purchase take a moment to fill in the Returns Form and return to the following address;


49 Stoke Newington Church Street,

Stoke Newington,


N16 0AR


As a small independent business we are unable to cover the postage cost of returned orders. 

The responsibility for any returned items lies with the customer until it is received by Hilda so we advise using a Recorded Delivery method.

We kindly ask that items are returned in their original, re-saleable condition - unworn with all labels intact and shoes must be returned in their original box, accompanied with proof of purchase. We will not accept returns of items that have been worn or labels removed.

 Once received, we aim to process returns within 1-2 working days and refunds may take 2-3 days to appear on your bank statement. 

Refunds can only be issued to the cardholder who purchased the item.